Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Hello 2019!

A New Year has begun... how exciting is that?

Personally, I am riding on high! This morning I woke to a blank canvas waiting to be filled with fresh, new and exciting things. I think we all (well us women at least) have an eager anticipation of what's to come.

Opening a fresh new planner. Starting a reading plan. A journal full of blank pages just waiting to be scripted. Goals to get you closer to financial freedom. Nurturing of comfortable relationships. Making room for new relationships. Creating an environment for a healthier lifestyle. All this and more awaits us!

We are focused, motivated, determined, more aware. 

Ready to learn from the year that has passed and resolve to grow in new ways.

There is much that I would personally like to accomplish this year. Most important to me is walking closer with God and developing a deeper relationship with Him so that I can move forward in the calling He has placed on my life. 

A couple months ago, after much debate, I purchased a 2019 planner. There were several that caught my eye... until I saw the price EEK! Thankfully I stumbled upon a really nice one at Christian Book that ended up being right up my alley and also made my wallet much happier. There's plenty of space to plan my day and it includes a daily Bible reading plan along with a daily verse. What I love best is that it zips up so any loose items I add to it won't fall out! 

For Christmas, I received a beautiful journal from my mom which unbeknownst to her, happens to compliment my planner perfectly. This also has a verse at the top of each page and enough pages to allow writing for every day of the year YAY! My hope this year is to grow as a writer (as this is one of my passions) and be more active than I have in past years.

So here's to my first post of many in the year ahead!  

Work the Word:

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Is. 43:19)

We have all either buried things in the wilderness or left some by the side of the road. What are your passions friend? Is there something you have ditched along the way that you would like to dig up and restore? Or is God calling you to dive in and explore something new in 2019? I'd love to hear from you, feel free to join the conversation in the comments.

Blessing in Christ,

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