I was going to title this "Attention Please" but I figured after yesterdays post with all the talk of how needy I am at the present time, that it wouldn't be a good way to start and might run people off LOL
So a little after 7 this morning I get a text that wakes me out of bed. Well not really, I was already awake just wasn't sure if I wanted to put my feet on the floor yet :) The text was simple: Psalms 121:1-3. I throw my feet over the side of the bed then make my way across the house to my computer room figuring if God is going to send an angel to throw me a lifeline this early then I need to be up and at 'em. The scripture was one I knew, at least verse 1 and 2 but the 3rd verse I never managed to remember but it is oh so important!
Psalm 121:1-3
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
How wonderful to know that we are so important to God that he is watching out for us 24/7? Not that I didn't know it already, I guess I just see it in a different light now. And he will not let our foot slip! Total confidence booster if you ask me. The way I see it is this... if we do our part (lift our eyes to Him, trust Him, seek Him daily) then we can be confident that God will do his part (help us, keep us from falling).
Now it's 11am and I'm about to get my worship on with all my peeps at Living Hope. We do a super speedy rendition of "I'll Fly Away" and from there transition to "Always" by Kristian Stanfill. Not thinking ahead to what the words in the song are I just start singing my heart out as I always do. Voices are uplifted in praise and then there it is, right there on the screen:
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord
Back the bus up! That is the exact scripture that got me out of bed this morning and now
here it is again? I smile and say to my husband "you think God is trying to tell me something?" Then it dawned on me that even though I have been praying about my struggle, I haven't been looking to God enough for help. That I have spent more time trying to work this on my own than relying on Him and His strength. Well no more of that!
Yesterday was a new beginning. Last night God showed me why I am still in bondage to this addiction... a story for another day. Today He gave me new hope.
Thank you Lord for the people you have placed in my life and for the work that you are doing in and through them; how you are using it not just to bless me but to bless those around me.
Love y'all ~ Brandy
If you can't see the video that is posted below, click here to watch Always by Kristian Stanfill
If you can't see the video that is posted below, click here to watch Always by Kristian Stanfill